Here are the two line kazaks with white armour plates.
This was done using a base of dheneb stone, highlighting up to pure skull white over 4 layers. It looks good in my opinion. The camo was scorched brown, calthan brown, Macharius Solar Orange, then chaos black. The metal is done with a basecoat of boltgun metal, highlights of chainmail, then barab black wash. I might do another black wash to tone it down even more. The fur is khremi bown, base, then dheneb stone overbrush, and a light overbrush of dheneb stone/skull white mix. The black is still to be painted.
Now I cannot decide whether to leave the packs black, or change them to a light bestial brown. I also need to decide where my turquiose squad markings are going to go. I might do those on a white background as well. Oh how I miss shoulder pads!